I. Conduct Initial Survey

II. Submit Security Survey Report

III. Preparation phase in case security service proposal is accepted by the Client
a. Collation of company-client’s security policies, procedures, rules, and regulations related to the security function.
b. Preparation of security guidelines for implementation by the security force.
c. Meeting with the Client’s management concerning to the approval and/or revision of security guidelines.
d. The orientation for the officer-in-charge together with security work force should make actually to the client’s premises.
e. Briefing and Orientation of guards on their basic duties and responsibilities relative to the discharge of the security function at the client’s premises.
f. Final site inspection should be conduct prior for the deployment of security work for

Activities after posting and/or assumption of security function by the Agency at the Client’s premises
Preparations for post-to-post duties and responsibilities based on actual guarding procedure.
Implementation of Agency’s services quality control system to ensure efficient and/or effective performance of the guards.
Daily inspection for the guards should be dutifully.
Nighttime thoroughly monitors for the guard on duty.
Corrective Seminar for erring guard’s
Month guards mounting activity.
Periodic meeting between Client’s management and that of the Agency relatives to the security guard’s performance, to correct misdemeanors if any, in upgrading discipline and quality of service with our clients.

Reserve/Reliever Guards:
This Agency has to provide relievers per shift to prevent vacuum of Security with the Client premises in case other guards has an EMERGENCY CASES, WENT ON AWOL, have family problems and/or failed to report for duty for unknown reason which is very common in all Security Agencies.
In case these relievers run short, the Agency has to call qualified applicants in the Agency waiting list of applicants, to see to it that in no case fluid security situation would be leave unsolved or unattended within the reasonable time.

inquire with us

Omnibus security agency

We are Happy to Serve and Protect You

Contact Information :

Telephone No.
056) 5785701

Mobile No.

Email Address :